ADAMS thrives on the respect of its clients.

That is why the firm is particularly honored that 90% of our business comes from repeat clients and their referrals. A leader in the in the healthcare and health sciences industry, our clients also include those in the education and real estate industries. Our clients know that working with ADAMS results in a highly successful capital development program of maximized value.

ADAMS Leverages Expertise and Experience

Coast to Coast Experience

With 33 years of focused experience in management consulting, our firm has advanced the concept of independent and objective program management and owner representation to an industry standard. Through our Program Management, Transition/Occupancy Planning, and Property Condition Assessment service lines, we can serve your needs at any stage.

Map of ADAMS Offices and Clients


We are committed to upholding the ADAMS Mission which is to advocate the interests of healthcare institutions in the planning and management of their capital programs.

Our vision of being nationally recognized as the firm of choice of clients, peers and employees starts with our values.  ADAMS’ values of Client’s Interest First, Unassailable Objectivity, Relentless Pursuit of Quality are principles of the foundation on which The ADAMS Way is built.

Image of ADAMS employee looking at building under construction